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Command Relationships

OPerational CONtrol (OPCON)

The authority delegated to a commander to direct forces assigned so that the commander may accomplish specific missions or tasks which are usually limited by function, time, or location; to deploy units concerned, and to retain or assign tactical control of those units. It does not include authority to assign separate employment of components of the units concerned. Neither does it, of itself, include administrative or logistic control.

Associated Support (AS)

In naval usage, operations in which a designated unit operates independently of a specified force or group, but is tasked to provide contact information to, receive intelligence from and, if authorised, to cooperate and coordinate operations with the supported force. Tactical control of the unit remains with the established authority who coordinates tasking and movement of the unit in response to the requirements of the supported force commander.

Direct Support (AS)

The support provided by a unit not attached to or under the command of the supported unit or formation, but required to give priority to the support required by that unit or formation.

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