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Noble Mariner 2016

Noble Mariner 16 was held Oct. 10 to 20, off the coast of Scotland and is part of the NATO Response Force (NRF) certification process for the maritime component. Through various NRF missions and tasks, the NRF 2017 Maritime Forces were evaluated on their readiness and interoperability including the capabilities of the NRF 2017 Maritime Component Commander (MCC). 

For 2017, the NRF MCC will be NATO Striking & Support Forces (STRIKFORNATO).

This year, Exercise Noble Mariner was combined with the Royal Navy exercise Joint Warrior 2016-02 and NATO Air Command’s exercise Noble Arrow 2016, all held off Scottish bordering waters and littoral areas. The combination of the exercises enabled all participants to gain greater interoperability and an increase in capability development.

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