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Mar 23 2025

NATO warships unite for major exercise in the Mediterranean Sea, as Dynamic Mariner 25 prepares to showcase Allied maritime power

Rota, SPAIN - NATO has officially launched Exercise Dynamic Mariner / Flotex 25, a major multinational maritime exercise designed to enhance Allied naval cooperation, improve operational readiness, and demonstrate the Alliance’s ability to secure vital sea lanes in an evolving security environment. The exercise will take place in the western Mediterranean Sea and Atlantic Ocean, including Spanish territorial waters, between 24 March and 4 April 2025.

Led by Spanish naval forces, the exercise brings together a formidable fleet of NATO warships, submarines, maritime patrol aircraft, fighter jets, marines and sailors from multiple Allied nations. The exercise is a key test of NATO’s maritime strength, interoperability, and rapid response capabilities, ensuring that Allied navies remain prepared for any potential threats at sea.

Based on a fictitious scenario aimed at demonstrating Allied solidarity and strength, the exercise will focus on maritime expeditionary operations, enhancing collaboration at every opportunity.

As the Alliance aims to produce effects at short notice, and introduces the multi-domain ARF Concept, there is increasing need for Allied forces and headquarters to train together.
While Exercise Dynamic Mariner is a crisis response exercise, the emphasis is on training the Spanish Navy as it prepares to take over as the NATO Allied Reaction Force Maritime element (ARF/M) in July 2025. The ARF is an entirely new concept, which provides multi-domain forces from across the Alliance to produce effects at shorter notice than has previously been possible. Designed to enhance NATO's flexibility and readiness, the ARF is a highly deployable and adaptable force capable of addressing a wide range of security challenges, including conventional, hybrid, and cyber threats.
Standing NATO Maritime Group 2 (SNMG2) and Standing NATO Mine Countermeasures Group 2 (SNMCMG2) will be taking part in the exercise "Dynamic Mariner / Flotex 25. In the photo: German Navy frigate Bayern (F217) and French Navy frigate Commandant Birot (F796). 

Also for the first time, the Turkish Amphibious Task Force will assume the role of ARF Commander Amphibious Task Force (CATF) and Commander Landing Force (CLF) from July 2025.

Standing NATO Maritime Group 2 (SNMG2) and Standing NATO Mine Countermeasures Group 2 (SNMCMG2) will also be taking part in the exercise – demonstrating seamless cooperation between Allies. NATO’s maritime power lies in the ability of these Standing Naval Forces and NATO Allied Reaction Force elements to rapidly join with national forces and task groups to deliver strategic effect. Regular training between these groups provides a collectively trained and interoperable capability that NATO can confidently deploy.

The drills reinforce NATO’s ability to conduct joint operations in complex, multi-domain environments, ensuring that Allied naval forces can respond effectively to emerging security challenges.

“Dynamic Mariner/Flotex 25 is a crucial opportunity for SNMCMG2 to strengthen its mine countermeasures operational capabilities in the multi-threat environment,” said Turkish Navy Captain Kürsat Kurnaz. “By working alongside our NATO Allies, we aim to enhance our operational cohesion, refine our procedures, and ensure that we remain ready to respond to any maritime security challenge. This exercise reinforces our commitment to maintain safe and secure waters, and contribute to NATO’s overall mission of deterrence and defence.”

As Dynamic Mariner 25 gets underway, participating forces will work side by side to sharpen their warfighting skills, enhance coordination, and reaffirm NATO’s unwavering commitment to the security of Allied waters.

“The maritime domain is one of the key pillars of Alliance deterrence and defence. Standing Naval Forces have long been the backbone of the Alliance’s peacetime activities in the maritime domain and constitute a force at high readiness to respond to any emerging crisis,” said the Commander of SNMG2, Turkish Rear Admiral H. Ilker Avci. “As the Alliance aims to produce effects at short notice, and introduces the multi-domain ARF Concept, there is increasing need for Allied forces and headquarters to train together.”

“With Dynamic Mariner/Flotex-25, the interoperability and cohesion among those forces and headquarters will reach unprecedented levels,” he continued, “showcasing the multi-domain effects we are able to create above the sea, under the sea, on land and in the air.”

The exercise includes 30 surface units, 2 submarines, air assets (including harriers, maritime patrol aircraft and helicopters), 1,500 marines and personnel, from 6 NATO nations – France, Germany, Italy, Portugal, Spain and Türkiye.

The drills reinforce NATO’s ability to conduct joint operations in complex, multi-domain environments, ensuring that Allied naval forces can respond effectively to emerging security challenges.

Story by Public Affairs Office at MARCOM

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