The multinational exercises were conducted simultaneously by the Italian and French Navies, within the same tactical exercise scenario.
While practicing mine countermeasures (MCM) activity in the exercise area south of Sardegna Island – the site of a former minefield – they identified 12 historic sea mines over two days.
This exercise has been the ideal arena for SNMCMG2 to carry out MCM operations in the coastlines of Corsica and Sardegna, challenging seabed conditions added to the realism of the exercise. Moreover, we have proved our mine hunting skills by identifying exercise and historical ordnances in support of the community of seafarers and fisheries and safeguarding the freedom of navigation for real life as well as for exercise purposes. SNMCMG2 is always ready to alternate from fictitious to real-life operations
Undiscovered ordnance dating back to the world wars of the 20th century continue to pose a risk to seafarers. Finding and clearing these mines helps to secure sea lines of communication and improve freedom of navigation for all shipping.

The specialist crews serving with Standing NATO Mine Countermeasures Group 2 (SNMCMG2) had a real impact on the safety of the sea while taking part in combined annual exercises Mare Aperto, Polaris and Italian Minex 24, which ran from 13 - 23 May 24 off the east coast of Corsica, France, and near Cagliari, Italy.
SNMCMG2 MCM units are equipped with the most modern and sophisticated sonar systems, allowing them to localize and classify seabed objects to a depth of 200 meters. On board every ship there are remote operating vehicles with high-frequency SONARs and video cameras, which assist the crews in determining the identity of the localized object and countermining it.
“This exercise has been the ideal arena for SNMCMG2 to carry out MCM operations in the coastlines of Corsica and Sardegna,” said the Commander of SNMCMG2, Hellenic Navy Captain Fotios Paraskevas. “Challenging seabed conditions added to the realism of the exercise. Moreover, we have proved our mine hunting skills by identifying exercise and historical ordnances in support of the community of seafarers and fisheries and safeguarding the freedom of navigation for real life as well as for exercise purposes. SNMCMG2 is always ready to alternate from fictitious to real-life operations.”
By the end of Exercises Mare Aperto/Polaris/Italian Minex, the Command Staffs were better able to plan and conduct MCM operations in a multi-dimensional environment. The exercise also boosted the ships’ self-defence training against the asymmetric threat.
SNMCMG2 participated in the exercices with the Hellenic flagship HS Heracles (A-472), the minehunters FS Capricorne (M-653) (France), HS Evropi (M-62) (Greece), ITS Chioggia (M-5560) (Italy), ESPS Segura (M-31) (Spain), and TCG Amasra (M-266) (Türkiye).
SNMCMG2 operates under Allied Maritime Command (MARCOM), headquartered in Northwood, United Kingdom. MARCOM is the central command of all NATO maritime forces and the MARCOM commander is the primary maritime advisor to the Alliance.