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Aug 29 2023

NATO ships build maritime interoperability, strengthen partnership with Algeria

ALGIERS, Algeria – Standing NATO Mine Countermeasures Group Two (SNMCMG2) consisting of an Italian flagship ITS Stromboli and Italian Minehunter ITS Numana conducted a port visit in Algiers from Aug. 21 to 24.

Local authorities provided a warm welcome for the Group, which included an Algerian Coast Guard patrol boat escort into Algiers harbor entrance. SNMCMG2 crewmembers participated in several cultural and recreational activities during the port visit organized by the Algerian Navy personnel, fostering positive relations between NATO and its partner nation.

Our port visit represents the measure of the importance that the Alliance attributes to your country and to our friendship. In a so rapidly evolving world, overwhelmed by continuous changes, Algeria is for us a precious friend, partner without which it is unthinkable to guarantee maritime security in the Mediterranean Sea and stability in North Africa. Working together allows us to face situations of crisis together in a cohesive, rapid and effective manner 

MARCOM hosted a force reception onboard ITS Stromboli where a delegation of Algerian officers attended, including General Othmane Bouziza, Deputy Commanding Officer of the Central Maritime Façade and higher naval authority in Algiers. In addition, diplomats belonging to different NATO nations honoured the Group with their attendance.

NATO ships build maritime interoperability, strengthen partnership with Algeria. 

Commander, SNMCMG2 Italian Navy Captain Ettore Ronco welcomed guests on board.

"NATO values its partnership with Algeria,” Ronco said. “Our port visit represents the measure of the importance that the Alliance attributes to your country and to our friendship. In a so rapidly evolving world, overwhelmed by continuous changes, Algeria is for us a precious friend, partner without which it is unthinkable to guarantee maritime security in the Mediterranean Sea and stability in North Africa. Working together allows us to face situations of crisis together in a cohesive, rapid and effective manner.” 

Ronco, along with his chief of staff and the commanding officers of the ships in the Group, visited the commanding officer of the Central Maritime Façade to discuss maritime operations. SNMCMG2 staff also conducted lectures on Naval Mine Warfare on board the flagship for 15 officers of the Algerian Navy. The visit culminated in an official gathering for SNMCMG2 crewmembers and diplomats hosted by the Algerian Navy furthering the partnership and friendship between NATO and Algeria.  

Algeria has been a member of NATO’s Mediterranean Dialogue Programme since 2000 and Standing NATO Maritime Groups regularly visit Algiers to develop military dialogue and to improve mutual understanding and promote cooperation.

The cooperation between NATO and Non-NATO nations is essential for achieving the goals related to security in the Mediterranean region. Cultural exchange, as well as common training exercises, enhance the cooperation and mutual understanding.

SNMCMG2 is one of four standing forces that comprise the maritime component of the Very High Readiness Joint Task Force (VJTF), which is part of the NATO Response Force (NRF). To respond to contingency situations, additional forces can be added to these groups, with the NATO command staff on board and the ships of the Group as the nucleus, capable of providing timely support to NATO operations.

Story by SNMCMG2 & Public Affairs Office at MARCOM

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