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Jun 7 2022

STANDING NATO MINE COUNTERMEASURES GROUP 2 celebrates Spain's 40th Anniversary in NATO

MEDITERRANEAN SEA – Standing NATO Mine Countermeasures Group Two (SNMCMG2) commemorated 40 years since Spain joined NATO while underway in the Mediterranean Sea, May 30. 

Spain joined NATO on May 30, 1982, becoming the 16th nation to join the Alliance.  

SNMCMG2 currently comprises flagship ESPS Meteoro (P41) and FGS Bad Rappenau (M1067). Under the command of Spanish Navy Captain Javier Nuñez de Prado, SNMCMG2 performed a military ceremony on the flagship to commemorate the membership of Spain into the North Atlantic Alliance. He reminded his crew of the values of the organization. 

It´s important to remember that we have lived very prosperous 40 years in peace and harmony in the recent history of Spain, with the rest of our partners, with the conviction that we are safer and stronger together

"It´s important to remember that we have lived very prosperous 40 years in peace and harmony in the recent history of Spain, with the rest of our partners, with the conviction that we are safer and stronger together," Nuñez said. 

He explained NATO is an intergovernmental military alliance born to defend any of its member states. Spain entered NATO in 1982 to embrace the values of solidarity, commitment and peace, in order to enjoy, as previously other nations did, the privileges of a strong and robust friendship with other signatory nations. 

Regarding the history of Spanish Navy in SNMCMG2, Nuñez reminded his crew that MHC Segura was the first ship to join this group in 1999. Spain has contributed minehunters to the Alliance every year since joining. This is the third time Spain has commanded SNMCMG2 – the first was in 2002 and second in 2007. 

The ceremony finished with the crew on flight deck singing the Armada anthem and later on with a picture of the crew with the Spanish and NATO flags. Finally, the flagship crew shared a cake commemorating this 40th anniversary. 

SNMCMG2 is one of four Standing Naval Forces that comprise the maritime component of the Very High Readiness Joint Task Force (VJTF), which is part of the NATO Response Force (NRF). To respond to contingency situations, additional forces can be added to this group, with the NATO command staff on board the Flagship, capable of providing timely support to NATO operations. 

Story by Public Affairs Office at MARCOM

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