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May 12 2022

NATO ships visit Tunis strengthening partnership with Tunisia

TUNIS, Tunisia -- Standing NATO Maritime Group 2 (SNMG2) flagship Italian Navy ITS Carlo Margottini (F592) and Spanish Navy ESPS Blas De Lezo (F103) visited Tunis from May 7 to 9 for a scheduled port visit. 

The port visit was a valuable opportunity to re-supply and for SNMG2 to work together with Tunisia to enhance interoperability between partner nations. 

"It's always a pleasure for NATO units to visit Tunis during our activities at sea," Commander, SNMG2 Rear Admiral Mauro Panebianco said. "This is one way to enhance the partnership between NATO and Tunisia in the Mediterranean Dialogue framework. The cooperation with our partners is essential to reach interoperability and reinforce cohesion to guarantee Maritime Security in the Mediterranean Sea."

The cooperation with our partners is essential to reach interoperability and reinforce cohesion to guarantee Maritime Security in the Mediterranean Sea 

The Commander of the National Coastal Surveillance Service and the mayor of La Goulette, Tunisia, welcomed SNMG2 and the NATO ships with their crews to La Goulette port remarking Tunisian authorities' pleasure to host the NATO units in their country.  The visit furthered the cooperation process with Tunisia that started in 1995 as part of the Mediterranean Dialogue initiative.

On May 10, SNMG2 departed Tunis to conduct a Passing Exercise with Tunisian Navy PLM CARTHAGE (P503) executing a serialized schedule of training activities, which included a maneuvering exercise and voice communication procedures exercise improving the capability of the NATO partners to operate together. 

A group of Tunisian cadets conducted a visit on board Margottini during the stopover and had the opportunity to discuss with staff how NATO crews operate at sea, and to see their workplaces.
La Goulette is a strategic point for allied forces to conduct maritime assurance activities in the Mediterranean Sea. Upon completion of the PASSEX, SNMG2 resumed its program in the Mediterranean including participation in the Italian Exercise Mare Aperto '22. SNMG2 provides a strong international presence in the region demonstrating strength and cohesion among NATO allies and partners, and working together to keep peace and preserve security on the high seas.

Story by Public Affairs Office at MARCOM

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