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Aug 29 2022

NATO Ships Visit Tunis

TUNIS – Standing NATO Mine Countermeasures Group Two (SNMCMG2) conducted a port visit in Tunis, Aug. 22 to 24. 

SNMCMG2 received a warm welcome and enjoyed the hospitality of the Tunisian Navy for the duration of the visit, which included meetings with local authorities, training, and a reception. 

The ships associated with SNMCMG2 during the visit included Turkish Flagship TCG Yuzbasi Gungor Durmus, Italian mine hunter ITS Alghero, German mine hunter FGS Sulzbach Rosenberg, Belgian mine hunter BNS Narcis and Dutch mine hunter HNLMS Vlaardingen.   

Tunisia is a vital partner in our efforts to bring and maintain stability in the region, and we are always happy to work side by side with Tunisian naval forces. 

 On Aug. 22, the Turkish Ambassador in Tunis visited the Durmus. He was welcomed aboard by Capt. Yusuf Karagulle, commander, SNMCMG2. 

On Aug. 23, Karagulle and senior officers from the ships in the group visited Commander, Tunisian Coast Guard and Surveillance Division. Members of the SNMCMG2 staff presented lectures on maritime tactics aboard Durmus for Tunisian naval officers.  _nato4

That evening, SNMCMG2 held a reception aboard Durmus, hosting representatives from the Tunisian Navy and Ambassadors and military attachés of NATO nations. 

"Tunisia is a vital partner in our efforts to bring and maintain stability in the region, and we are always happy to work side by side with Tunisian naval forces. This is a wonderful opportunity to enhance our cooperation and interoperability, and to assure our partners of what we can accomplish when we collaborate," said Karagulle. 

The cooperation between NATO and non-NATO nations like Tunisia is essential for achieving the goals related to security in the Mediterranean region. Cultural exchange, as well as common training exercises, enhance cooperation and mutual understanding. 

SNMCMG2 is one of four standing forces that comprise the maritime component of the Very High Readiness Joint Task Force, which is part of the NATO Response Force. To respond to contingency situations, additional forces can be added to these groups, with the NATO command staff on board and the ships of the Group as the nucleus, capable of providing timely support to NATO operations. 

Story by Public Affairs Office at MARCOM

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