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May 3 2022

NATO ships to visit Stockholm

BALTIC SEA – Standing NATO Maritime Group One (SNMG1) is scheduled to arrive in Stockholm, Sweden, April 29 for a port visit.

This port visit is a valuable opportunity to re-supply and for SNMG1 to work together with Sweden to enhance interoperability between partner nations. SNMG1 is currently deployed to the Baltic Sea to provide assurance to Allies and deter and defend against threats from any direction. 

SNMG1 flagship HNLMS De Zeven Provinciën (F802) (The Netherlands), FGS Erfurt (F262) (Germany), HMCS Halifax (FFH 330) (Canada), and FGS Spessart (A1442) (Germany) will join in Stockholm for the port visit. Currently, SNMG1 also comprises FS Latouche-Tréville (D646) (France), which will stay at sea for operations.

NATO gains from Sweden's insights and operational expertise, and I appreciate the high-level training we regularly conduct with the Swedish Navy 

Prior to the port visit, SNMG1 conducted an exercise with a Swedish Navy submarine in the Baltic Sea. The group trained in anti-submarine warfare, which included fixed-wing aircraft and helicopter operations, and defensive procedures while entering and leaving port. 


"NATO gains from Sweden's insights and operational expertise, and I appreciate the high-level training we regularly conduct with the Swedish Navy," Commander SNMG1 Commodore A. van de Sande said. 

After departure from Stockholm, SNMG1 is scheduled to conduct another at-sea exercise with Swedish Navy. Sweden is a close NATO partner, and passing exercises like this are valuable opportunities to work together and build interoperability.

The Baltic Sea region is of great strategic importance to NATO and cooperation in the Baltic Sea is of particular interest, as six Allied nations border the Baltic Sea. NATO regularly deploys maritime forces in the Baltic Sea in order to maintain a credible and capable defensive capability in accordance with treaty obligations. 

SNMG1 operates under NATO Allied Maritime Command (MARCOM). Headquartered in Northwood, MARCOM is the central command of all NATO maritime forces and the MARCOM Commander is the primary maritime adviser to the Alliance. Like its land and air counterparts (LANDCOM and AIRCOM), MARCOM reports directly to NATO's Allied Command Operations (ACO), which is located in Mons, Belgium.

Story by Public Affairs Office at MARCOM 

Photo credit: Linus Ehn/Swedish Armed Forces

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