SNMCMG2 crewmembers participated in several activities during the port visit organized by Algerian Naval Force personnel, fostering positive relations between NATO and its partner nation.
It is a pleasure to receive you on board SNMCMG2 flagship with the aim at fostering cooperation between Algeria and NATO, looking for a more secure environment in the region
Commander, SNMCMG2 Spanish Navy Captain Javier Núñez de Prado welcomed Algiers' Spanish Ambassador aboard the flagship Spanish Navy ESPS Meteoro (P-41). In addition, the ambassadors of several NATO nations, as well as one general and nine other officers from Algiers, honoured the Group with their attendance of the Force Reception held aboard the flagship.
"It is a pleasure to receive you on board SNMCMG2 flagship with the aim at fostering cooperation between Algeria and NATO, looking for a more secure environment in the region," Núñez de Prado said.
On June 17, SNMCMG2 units and Algerian ship El-Kasseh 1 (501), left Algiers port and executed a serialised schedule of exercises at sea. The PASSEX concluded with a ceremonial "sail past" to wish farewell between the units involved.
Cooperation between NATO and partner nations like Algeria is essential for achieving the goals related to security in the Mediterranean region. Cultural exchange, as well as common training exercises, enhance interoperability and mutual understanding.
Commander, SNMCMG2 Spanish Navy Captain Javier Núñez de Prado welcomed Algiers' Spanish Ambassador aboard the flagship Spanish Navy ESPS Meteoro (P-41)
SNMCMG2 is one of four standing forces that comprise the maritime component of the Very High Readiness Joint Task Force (VJTF), which is part of the NATO Response Force (NRF). To respond to contingency situations, additional forces can be added to these groups, with the NATO command staff on board and the ships of the Group as the nucleus, capable of providing timely support to NATO operations. SNMCMG2 is currently composed by ESPS Meteoro (Flag Ship) and FGS Bad Rappenau.