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Nov 15 2022

NATO Allied Maritime Command welcomes German Defence Minister

NORTHWOOD, United Kingdom – Commander, NATO Allied Maritime Command (MARCOM) Vice Admiral Keith Blount welcomed German Federal Minister of Defence Christine Lambrecht to MARCOM in Northwood on Nov. 14.

Lambrecht and a delegation of Federal Ministry of Defence advisors received briefings on NATO’s current maritime operations and participated in senior-level staff talks.

Lambrecht took the opportunity to speak with MARCOM’s German contingent during her visit and underscored the importance of their contributions within NATO in defence of the Alliance._nato4

MARCOM is the central command of all NATO maritime forces, and the MARCOM Commander is the primary maritime advisor to the Alliance. MARCOM reports directly to NATO's Allied Command Operations (ACO), which is located in Mons, Belgium.

Story by Public Affairs Office at MARCOM

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United Kingdom

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