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Jul 7 2022

Change of Command Ceremony held for STANDING NATO MARITIME GROUP TWO

U.S. Navy Rear Admiral Michael Sciretta assumed command of Standing NATO Maritime Group Two (SNMG2) today at a change of command ceremony on board the Italian frigate Carlo Margottini in Taranto Naval Station in Puglia, Italy. Sciretta relieved Italian Navy Rear Admiral Mauro Panebianco after commanding SNMG2 for six months. NATO Commander of Submarines NATO, U.S. Navy Rear Admiral Steve Mack presided over the ceremony. 

Panebianco commanded SNMG2 during the start of the crisis in Ukraine. "The international scenario has provided a full period of challenges for the Alliance and for my forces" he said. "(O)ur capacity to show, in an international environment, the cohesion, the interoperability and the integration of NATO assets is a fundamental aspect to perform a constant presence in the Area of Responsibility, constituting a credible deterrent force against any possible threat."

We will project constant and visible proof of the Alliance's solidarity and cohesion on the world's seaways  

During the ceremony, Sciretta stressed the importance of the Alliance's readiness. "We will project constant and visible proof of the Alliance's solidarity and cohesion on the world's seaways" Sciretta said.

Story by Public Affairs Office at MARCOM

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