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Feb 25 2021

Standing NATO Mine Countermeasures Group 2 in the Black Sea

BLACK SEA - Standing NATO Mine Countermeasures Group Two (SNMCMG2) is entering the Black Sea on Thursday, 25 February for the first NATO deployment of 2021. Bulgarian and Romanian mine hunters are joining the Group upon its entrance in the Black Sea.

While in the Black Sea, SNMCMG2 will consist of the Turkish flagship Sokullu Mehmet Pasa, ROS Lupu Dinescu (Romania), ESPS Tajo (Spain) and TCG Ayvalık (Turkey). The group will participate in the Romanian mine warfare exercise Poseidon and conduct a passing exercise with the Ukrainian Navy. Besides the training, the NATO Group will also conduct port visits to Constanta, Romania and Odessa, Ukraine.

SNMCMG2 Black Sea deployment is an important opportunity contributing to achieving mutual understanding, interoperability and confidence

“By taking advantage of our activities in the Black Sea such as the multinational exercises, port visits, passing exercises and maritime security patrols, SNMCMG2 Black Sea deployment is an important opportunity contributing to achieving mutual understanding, interoperability and confidence with our Allies and partners,” said the Commander of SNMCMG2, Turkish Navy Captain Yusuf Karagülle.

With three Allied nations, Bulgaria, Romania and Turkey, and two regional partners, Ukraine and Georgia bordering the Black Sea, Standing Naval Group presence in the region is a regular occurrence. While in the Black Sea, the group will also conduct maritime security patrols in international waters to enhance NATO maritime situational awareness between Allies and regional partners.

Story by SNMCMG2 Public Affairs Officer

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