Dynamic Move 2021-II exercise took place between Aug. 30 to Sep. 9, 2021 in the Italian Mine Warfare and Hydrographic Command HQ (MARICODRAG) in La Spezia, focusing on the Naval Mine Countermeasures (NMCM) training.
Dynamic Move is the principal biannual computer-assisted exercise planned and executed by the NATO Maritime Command (MARCOM), aimed at building international staff capabilities in conducting a full range of mine countermeasures operations.
The exercise was supported by EGUERMIN Naval Mine Warfare School with its Naval Mine Warfare Gaming System (NMWGS) and the NATO Naval Mine Warfare Centre of Excellence.
Ten nations, Belgium, Greece, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Spain, Turkey and USA took part in the exercise. One of the main training objectives was to prepare command staff of Standing NATO MCM Group 2 for NATO Response Force certification.
Many aspects of the mine warfare were brought upon discussion enabling the exchange of experience and information between participants, representing NATO Mine Warfare staffs.
The design of the exercise aimed at building international Task Group (TG)/Task Unit (TU) command staffs capability to conduct significant Naval Mine Warfare operations with a full range of Naval Mine Warfare assets while coordinating activities with the Allied Worldwide Navigation and Information System (AWNIS) and the Naval Cooperation and Guidance of Shipping (NCAGS).
As part of the exercise, numerous academics were scheduled for the training audience covering the main topics related to these type of exercises such as mine warfare legal aspects, amphibious operations and media training.
The exercise was hosted by the Italian Mine Warfare Forces Command who ensured COVID measures were in place to ensure the health and safety to all participants.