Dynamic Guard is a NATO exercise designed to build and maintain proficiency in maritime electronic warfare and anti-submarine warfare.
The planning phase started in July, with the staff of Standing NATO Maritime Group 2 (SNMG2) embarked on the Flagship ITS Fasan. Preparations were then finalised at a pre-sail conference on 5th Sept. at Souda Bay Navy Base headquarters, with all participants in attendance: SNMG2 Task Unit 02, comprising ITS Fasan, TCG Gokceada and ESPS Cantabria; three Greek units – Hellenic Ships (HS) Navarinon, Adrias and Grigoropoulos; and three key enablers - the NATO Joint Electronic Warfare Core Staff (JEWCS), the Hellenic Air Force (HAF) and the Draken Aviation Company.
Realistic electronic warfare capabilities were simulated by means of the JEWCS Transportable Radar and Communications Jamming and Simulator Vans (TRACSVAN), embarked on HS Prometheus, plus nine special Pods carried by FALCON DA20 aircraft (Draken), both based in the UK. The exercise was further supplemented with daily Air Defence serials, with the HAF providing the aggressor aircraft. An initially unplanned Anti-Submarine Exercise with a German AIP Submarine added further value to the exercise.

I am very pleased with the approach and performance of all participants and enablers. Many of the skills exercised are critically important to NATO's maritime component, and opportunities to practise and develop them as a task-group are rare
The aim of DYGD, led by Maritime Command HQ (MARCOM), was to enable units assigned to the Standing NATO Maritime Groups and other NATO units, to maintain required levels of proficiency in Electronic Warfare (EW) and Anti Ship Missile Defence (ASMD) inside a controlled EW environment (created by TRACSVAN and 20 DA FALCON), with the significant support by NATO JEWCS.
"Training as you fight" was the underlying principle. Allied ships have been able to extend their training and enhance their readiness during a highly productive period at sea. SNMG2 executed five days of a high tempo programme with increasingly challenging training, within the context of a realistic hostile tactical environment. Each unit exercised the full range of activities in a carefully managed EW spectrum of operations, improving tactics, demonstrating high readiness and optimising the level of interoperability. Furthermore, a live-firing exercise has been conducted by ITS Fasan, launching a chaff as a countermeasure to a surface missile attack.
This exercise, which was planned and managed by SNMG2, in conjunction with NATO JEWCS and the host nation, is a key element for increasing interoperability and mutual understanding within the Alliance.
"I am very pleased with the approach and performance of all participants and enablers. Many of the skills exercised are critically important to NATO's maritime component, and opportunities to practise and develop them as a task-group are rare" said Rear Admiral Stefano RUSSO, the Commander of SNMG2.