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Nov 2 2021


MEDITERRANEAN SEA – On 29 October, a NATO task group set sail in the Mediterranean Sea as part of NATO's maritime security operation, Operation Sea Guardian (OSG).

The Hellenic Navy frigate HS Spetsai (flagship) and the Bulgarian Navy frigate BGS Drazki are being supported by submarines from Greece and Turkey. Aircrafts from Greece, Turkey and US will also support to the patrols.

NATO's Operation Sea Guardian remains one of the most important tools for NATO to increase cooperation and interoperability in the Mediterranean Sea with Allies and Partner nations, and to enhance capacity building in the frame of maritime security. These focused patrols contribute towards maintaining maritime situational awareness, deterring terrorism and improving capacity building efforts in the Mediterranean Sea.

Copyright: CROWN 


NATO's Operation Sea Guardian assets fuse of information together to create a comprehensive picture of daily activities in the Mediterranean. The information is sent to NATO Allied Maritime Command (MARCOM) in Northwood, United Kingdom who serves as the hub of maritime security information sharing for the Alliance.

The sixth and the last focused patrol of the year, includes a planned port visit to Haifa, Israel and Alexandria, Egypt. In conjunction with these visits, NATO will deploy a mobile training team from Greece to provide training to Israeli and Egyptian Navies. This activity aims to improve regional maritime situational awareness and to solidify NATO partnerships with Israel and Egypt.

NATO collaboration on Maritime Situational Awareness in the Mediterranean region improves understanding of the environment and reduces redundancy of efforts.

This focused patrol also coincides with the 5th anniversary of NATO ships first starting to conduct Operation Sea Guardian in November 2016.

Story by Public Affairs Office at MARCOM

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