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Sep 10 2020

NATO Focused patrols back in Central Mediterranean

MEDITERRANEAN SEA, Croatia – Croatian navy vessel ‘Dubrovnik’ left the Port of Split 3 September as the flagship to the fifth focused patrol of NATO’s Operation Sea Guardian (OSG) in 2020.

OSG Focused Patrol 20-5 runs from September 2-22, 2020 in the Central Mediterranean Sea. Appropriate COVID-19 measures were taken, while preparing for the mission. Like previous patrols this year, Croatian Navy crew was briefed via teleconference by NATO Maritime Command. Several other measures were implemented to ensure crew is able to operate safely carrying out NATO mission. 

One of the main efforts for this patrol is gathering pattern of life information about the shipping routes in international waters.

HRVS Dubrovnik is led by Lieutenant Commander Marinko Majić of the Croatian Navy. Maritime Patrol Aircrafts (MPA) and Airborne Early Warning units from Greece, Italy, Spain and Turkey including the NATO-owned AWACS aircraft are also contributing to the focused patrol with associated air support.

Operation Sea Guardian is a non-Article 5 maritime security operation of NATO aimed at working with Mediterranean stakeholders to maintain maritime situational awareness, deter and counter terrorism and enhance capacity building. One of the main efforts for this patrol is gathering pattern of life information about the shipping routes in international waters.

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