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Feb 17 2020

Deputy Commander at the Leangkollen Conference with China in mind

OSLO, Norway – Vice Admiral Hervé Bléjean, Deputy Commander Allied Maritime Command, participated as a panellist at the Leangkollen Security Conference held in Oslo, Norway. The 55th Conference edition main theme this year was “The China Challenge: Remaking the Landscape of Transatlantic Security”.

The Leangkollen Security Conference is the major Norwegian Atlantic Committee's annual two-days conference. The objective of the politically independent forum is to promote a deep understanding and discussion on Norwegian defence and security policy, and debate on new challenges and opportunities for the Transatlantic security.

Underlined during NATO Heads of State and Government meeting in London 3-4 December 2019, China’s global rise presents both opportunities and challenges. China represents the second largest economy in the world and the second biggest defence spender in the world. China’s growing influence and international policies, including harbours , need be understood and addressed together as an Alliance.

China represents the second largest economy in the world and the second biggest defence spender in the world. China growing influence and international policies, has underlined during NATO Heads of State and Government meeting in London 3-4 December 2019, present both opportunities and challenges that NATO needs to address together as an Alliance.

"China is not an adversary to NATO but now their regular presence in NATO’s Area of Responsibility brings some challenges.” said Admiral Bléjean. “The Chinese question arise most particularly in the maritime domain as ships at sea are the most visible potential vector of interaction. Indeed, in the past years Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) has become a Blue Water Navy, expanding their presence into the Western Atlantic, Mediterranean Sea, Black Sea, Baltic Sea, up to the High North including the Artic. Not mentioning the increasing Chinese investments in ports and port infrastructures all around the world”.

The Chinese question arise most particularly in the maritime domain as ships at sea are the most visible potential vector of interaction. Indeed, in the past years Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) has become a Blue Water Navy, expanding their presence into the Western Atlantic, Mediterranean Sea, Black Sea, Baltic Sea, up to the High North including the Artic.

Vice Admiral Hervé Bléjean, Deputy Commander to Allied Maritime Command during his presentation under the theme "The China Challenge: Remaking the Landscape of Transatlantic".

Vice Admiral Hervé Bléjean was appointed by the European Union member countries to succeed to Lieutenant General Esa Pulkkinen (Finish Army) as the Director General of the European Union Military Staff (DGEUMS) upon completion of his current duties as Deputy Commander Allied Maritime Command.

Story by Public Affairs Office at MARCOM

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