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SNMG2 Concludes Participation in SEA BREEZE 19 in the Black Sea

Black Sea - (July 13, 2019) The ships of Standing NATO Maritime Group Two (SNMG2) have concluded their participation in SEA BREEZE 19, a Ukrainian-US co-hosted exercise in the Black Sea. Under the command of Commodore Josee Kurtz (CAN N), the Group is conducting a regional patrol as it proceeds to Varna, Bulgaria, during their deployment in the Black Sea. SEA BREEZE is an annual multinational maritime training engagement designed to enhance the ability of partnering nations to build their combined capability and capacity to ensure regional security, and foster unity. “The ships, aircraft and crews of Standing NATO Maritime Group Two, working with our Allies and Partners in SEA BREEZE 19, conducted themselves with utmost professionalism.” said Commodore Josee Kurtz. “They have clearly demonstrated their capability to operate together where required, as required, and when required”. The exercise developed off the coast of Ukraine, in international waters with the participation of ships and aircraft from 19-nations including the United States, Ukraine, and SNMG2. Participants were tested under a critical environment, acting in accordance with international norms and procedures.

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