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SNMG1 visits Rostock
ROSTOCK, Germany — Sailors from Standing NATO Maritime Group One (SNMG-1) and the flagship guided-missile destroyer USS Gravely (DDG 107) departed Rostock, Germany after completing a scheduled port visit, March 5.
While in Rostock, Sailors were able to take a break from operations and enjoy some time off the ship, visiting local areas, taking tours and hosting a reception aboard SNMG1 ship, Polish frigate ORP General Kazimierz Pulaski.
In port, SNMG1 hosted a reception which included distinguished visitors and local military from the area in the hangar bay aboard ORP General Kazimierz Pulaski. "One of the missions of SNMG1 is to strengthen the relationships we have among our NATO allies and partners,” said Lt. Lyndsi Gutierrez, SNMG1 public affairs officer. "One of the many ways we accomplish that mission is through regularly scheduled port calls and engagements with our host nations, like this visit to Rostock.”
During the reception Rear Adm. Edward Cashman, Commander of SNMG 1, spoke to the guests about the reason of NATO’s visit to Rostock."Rostock has a long history of being a maritime city,” said Cashman. "Even today the sea plays an important role in trade and prosperity. The sea is not a barrier that divides people and places; it’s a freeway, a great global common that connects them. The security of that global common is a primary mission of NATO, the Allied Maritime Command, and of SNMG1.”
SNMG1 is currently composed of the U.S. flagship guided-missile destroyer USS Gravely (DDG 107), the German navy replenishment tanker FGS Spessart (A 1442), and the Polish guided-missile frigate ORP General K. Pulaski (FrR 272) and is one of four standing maritime task groups composed of ships from various Allied countries. These task groups form the core maritime capability of NATO’s Very High Readiness Joint Task Force (VJTF). They provide a continuous maritime capability to execute NATO missions across the spectrum of operations, demonstrate solidarity, and strengthen diplomatic and professional links among Allied naval forces.