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SNMG1 and SNMCMG1 ships visit Riga and Klaipeda

BALTIC SEA  - Standing NATO Maritime Group One (SNMG1) naval ships are visiting Riga, Latvia and Klaipeda, Lithuania from 3 May to 6 May.

The U.S. flagship guided-missile destroyer USS Gravely, Polish guided-missile frigate ORP General K. Pulaski, and British frigate HMS Westminster are visiting Riga, and Turkish frigate TCG Gokova, and German navy replenishment tanker FGS Rhoen are visiting Klaipeda, along with Standing NATO Mine Countermeasures Group One (SNMCMG1).

Visits with local military and civilian officials are planned in both Riga and Klaipeda.  Additionally in Riga, SNMG1 is scheduled to participate in the flower-laying ceremony to commemorate the Restoration of Independence on 4 May.

As NATO Allies, Latvia and Lithuania regularly host NATO ships for port visits as part of their routine presence in the Baltic Sea. These port calls allow the Sailors to experience host nation culture while conducting engagements aimed to increase working relationships and support interoperability among Allies. 

SNMG1 is currently composed of the U.S. flagship guided-missile destroyer USS Gravely, British frigate HMS Westminster, the Polish guided-missile frigate ORP General K. Pulaski, the Turkish frigate TCG Gokova, and the German navy replenishment tanker FGS Rhoen. SNMG1 and SNMCMG1 are two of four standing maritime task groups composed of ships from various Allied countries, which form the core maritime capability of NATO’s Very High Readiness Joint Task Force (VJTF).  The standing maritime forces provide a continuous maritime capability to execute NATO missions across the spectrum of operations, demonstrate solidarity, and strengthen diplomatic and professional links among Allied naval forces.

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