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NATO Trains with Commercial Shipping in the Baltic Sea

BALTIC SEA - This past week, two ships from Standing NATO Maritime Group One (SNMG1), Turkish frigate TCG Gokova and Royal Navy frigate HMS Westminster successfully completed an important training mission in support of joint warfighting logistics.

The two NATO ships escorted civilian cargo vessel M/V Gute through high traffic sea lanes during her transit from Norway to Sczecin, Poland carrying Norwegian military equipment for NATO exercise Noble Jump.

The safety and security of sea-based trade and transportation routes is critical to the prosperity of the Baltic nations and the NATO Alliance. Escort training, such as that practiced by TCG Gokova and HMS Westminster, enhances interoperability among NATO and commercial shipping and provides reassurance to NATO allies and partners that NATO is capable and ready to maintain freedom of navigation in the Baltic Sea.

This training is part of Maritime Express, a new way of thinking about training opportunities for the NATO Standing Naval Forces. The concept is focused on creating training opportunities by NATO ships at sea to maximize readiness and interoperability. SNMG1 is using the concept to adapt their schedule for the best possible training opportunities.

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