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Sep 15 2019

NATO Ships Train with Merchant Shipping

MEDITERRANEAN SEA (7 September 2019) Croatian Navy HRVS Dubrovnik, Flagship to NATO Operation Sea Guardian Focused Operation, exercised with DVS Deep Explorer (TechnipFMC Marine Operations Services) during their presence in the Central Mediterranean.

On 7 September 2019, HRVS Dubrovnik and DVS Deep Explorer conducted Exercise MED INTERCEPTOR, a maritime security training using two different scenarios. During the first scenario, HRVS Dubrovnik performed a board and search operation on the merchant vessel, putting in practice common procedures, ranging from documentation verification, inspection and cargo searches.

The second scenario was designed to train DVS Deep Explorer standard security operating procedures including an ‘unwanted approach’ from sea by small boats. The speed boat from HRVS Dubrovnik performed high speed approaches with aggressive manoeuvres simulating a possible terrorist or pirate attack.

The exercise was the conclusion of the advance planning undertaken by the NATO Shipping Centre located at the Allied Maritime Command (MARCOM) Headquarters in conjunction with TechnipFMC.

"The co-operation and eagerness for all parties to be involved and learn more could not have been clearer” said Mark Bosson, Marine Operations Service (T-MOS) Security Officer.

DVS Deep Explorer Captain, Przemek Garbacewicz said "It was of great value to undertake with NATO’s HRVS Dubrovnik. It provided the Deep Explorer vessel crew with an excellent opportunity to get familiar with NATO vessel interception procedures and practice security emergency actions in realistic threat scenario”.

Cooperation between NATO and merchant shipping are highly valuable and provides tools to raise security awareness among shipping and simultaneously provides the best environment to train boarding personal. Another aspect are the key opportunities to exchange information between all involved (Merchant shipping, NATO Shipping Centre, Maritime Operations Centre, Naval assets, Air assets) to enable for a better security at sea.

Croatian Navy HRVS Dubrovnik, supported by a Spanish submarine, Portuguese Maritime Patrol Aircraft, Airborne Early Warning and other surface units under national command are conducting focused security patrols in international waters of the Central Mediterranean Sea as part of Operation Sea Guardian (OSG).

Croatian Navy HRVS Dubrovnik, Flagship to NATO Operation Sea Guardian Focused Operation, exercised with DVS Deep Explorer (TechnipFMC Marine Operations Services) during their presence in the Central Mediterranean.

Story by Allied Maritime Command Public Affairs Office

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