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Mine Counter Measures Exercise DYNAMIC MOVE 19-2 Underway

LA SPEZIA, Italy - The second part of NATO mine countermeasures leadership exercise Dynamic Move 19 started in La Spezia, Italy on September 2 with 60 navy personnel and scientists.

Dynamic Move is an annual computer assisted exercise that is planned and executed by NATO Maritime Command (MARCOM). The aim of the exercise is to build international task group command staff capabilities for conducting full range of mine countermeasures operations.

Dynamic Move consists of two parts. The first part is conducted at Ecole de Guerre des Mines (Naval Mine Warfare School) in Oostende, Belgium, where the main training audience is comprised of Allied navy mine countermeasures sailors including present and incoming command staff for Standing NATO Mine Countermeasures Group One (SNMCMG1). The second part is held on the coast of the Mediterranean Sea at the Comando delle Forze di Contromisure Mine (Command of Mine Countermeasure Forces) in La Spezia, Italy, where the primary training audience is Allied navy mine countermeasures sailors including present and incoming command staff for Standing NATO Mine Countermeasures Group Two (SNMCMG2).

In addition to the SNMCMG2 staff, the current exercise includes personnel from 14 Allied nations including, Belgium, Canada, Estonia, Germany, Greece, Italy, Norway, Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Spain, Turkey, the UK and the USA.

The exercise is controlled by naval mine warfare experts and other subject matter experts including maritime scientists, NATO Shipping Centre officers, legal advisors and media experts as well as personnel from Ecole de Guerre des Mines, the Naval Mine Warfare Centre of Excellence and the NATO Centre for Maritime Research and Experimentation (CMRE).

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