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Standing NATO Mine Countermeasures Group 2 trains with Georgian Coast Guard

BLACK SEA - On November 2nd to 4th Standing NATO Mine Countermeasures Group Two (SNMCMG2) visited Georgia, Batumi. Visit was designed to further improve military dialogue and cooperation in support of security and stability, enhance interoperability and foster mutual understanding. After the port visit a Passing Exercise (PASSEX) took place on November 5th, where seamanship and manoeuvring exercises were executed.

The group, under command of Commander Frank Maginsky of the German Navy, commenced its Black Sea deployment on October 30, marking its third deployment to the Black Sea this year.  Group consists of the German replenishment ship FGS Rhein as flagship and the Bulgarian, Spanish, Romanian and Turkish mine hunters, respectively BGS Tsibar, ESPS Turia, ROS Lt Dimitrie Nicolescu and TCG Erdemli. 

SNMCMG2 will stay in Black Sea until November 18th. NATO is increasing its presence in the Black Sea region as part of the Tailored Forward Presence (tFP) activities to provide assurance to Allies on the Black Sea and increase interoperability among NATO and partner Navies.

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