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NATO Ships Monitoring Eastern Mediterranean Sea Activity

MEDITERRANEAN SEA - Standing NATO Maritime Group Two (SNMG2) continues to monitor the substantial Russian naval activity in the eastern Mediterranean Sea and will revise, to a limited degree, the schedule for our routine exercises in order to enhance NATO’s awareness of this activity.
NATO will postpone exercise Dynamic Guard to provide flexibility in the schedule to support Allied operational interests.
SNMG2 ships including flagship HNLMS De Ruyter, HMCS Ville de Quebec, HS Elli and ESPS Cristobal Colon, in coordination with additional Allied navy units in the area, will support maritime situational awareness throughout the eastern Mediterranean.
Several Allied nations border the eastern Mediterranean Sea and have a vested interest in maintaining awareness of activities in the region. Maintaining this flexibility in the schedule of operations for the standing maritime groups allows the ships to provide value back to Allied nations.
Maritime Situational Awareness supports greater awareness, safety at sea and reduces the risk of any mistakes or miscalculation.

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