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NATO Ships Visit Constanta

CONSTANTA, Romania - Six NATO ships, currently conducting patrols in the Black Sea in two different NATO Maritime Groups, will visit Constanta 1st - 4th February 2018.

Standing NATO Mine Counter Measures Group Two (SNMCMG2), under the command of Royal Navy Commander Justin Hains, arrived in Constanta, Romania on the 1st of February, and was followed closely by Standing NATO Maritime Group Two (SNMG2), under the command of Royal Navy Commodore Mike Utley OBE, on the 2rd of February.

The groups are conducting a routine port visit to Constanta as part of NATO’s increased presence in the Black Sea region to support national sovereignty through collective defence. Planned activities include courtesy calls with local civilian and Naval authorities and planning for further interoperability exercises at sea with the Romanian Navy upon departure from Constanta.

The crews will also be hosting a ‘Ship Open to Visitors’ on Saturday, 3rd February 2018 from 1000 to 1300. The public is welcome to come to visit the ships and learn a little more about the Maritime aspects of NATO. 

SNMG2 currently consists of flagship Royal Navy destroyer HMS Duncan, Romanian frigate ROS Regele Ferdinand and Turkish frigate TCG Gaziantep. SNMCMG2 currently consists of flagship Royal Navy survey ship HMS Enterprise, Romanian minesweeper ROS Lt. Lupu Dinescu and Turkish minehunter TCG Akcay.

Prior to the visit to Constanta, the groups conducted patrols in both the Black Sea and the Mediterranean Sea, conducting exercises and operations throughout the region. SNMG2 and SNMCMG2 are two of four groups of ships which make up the maritime component of the NATO Reaction Force and provide crucial skill sets to keep sea lanes and ports open during times of crisis. The groups take part in a wide range of multinational exercises and train with NATO Allies and partners to enhance interoperability and maintain war-fighting skills.

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