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NATO Ships trained at Exercise BREEZE

BLACK SEA - Three Standing NATO Mine Countermeasures Group Two (SNMCMG2) units took part in the multinational Bulgarian Navy Exercise BREEZE 2018 from 13 to 20 July.

Exercise BREEZE provided training to the participants in various fields of maritime warfare and enhanced interoperability among NATO Navies. Ships participating from SNMCMG2 included FGS Rhein, ROS Lt. Lupu Dinescu and TCG Anamur.

During the sea phase of the exercise ships were challenged by a high variety of tasks including seamanship drills, countering threats from the sea and air and communication drills. The drills were embedded in a scenario which also included combined maritime security operations ¬— part of NATO´s daily business.  The countermeasures vehicles of SNMCMG 2 additionally focused on leading other vessels through a fictional mine field, a procedure that reduces the threat to shipping from sea mines.

"I am very satisfied with the performance of my ships, with crews from Bulgaria, Romania, Turkey and Germany. Highly motivated, they impressively lived our motto ‘Hand in hand-together strong!’”, said the Commander of SNMCMG2, Commander Frank Maginsky.

Together with SNMG 2, both groups participated in the exercise as part of NATO’s increased presence in the Black Sea. This is SNMCMG2’s second patrol in the Black Sea in 2018.

Prior to the visit to Burgas, SNMCMG 2 patrolled both the Mediterranean Sea and the Black Sea, conducting exercises and operations throughout the region. SNMCMG2 is one of four groups of ships which make up the maritime portion of the NATO Response Force and provide a crucial skillset to keep sea lanes and ports open in times of crisis. The groups take part in different multinational exercises and train with NATO Allies and partners to enhance interoperability and maintain their skills.


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