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NATO Participating in Open Spirit Historical Mine Clearance Operation

TALLINN, Estonia - Standing NATO Mine Countermeasures Group One (SNMCMG1) is joining mine countermeasures vessels and experts from multiple nations in Tallinn, Estonia to conduct historical ordnance clearance operation Open Spirit in the waters near Estonia.
Open Spirit is held each year in the Baltic Sea and organized by Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania on a rotating basis and is designed to clear historical sea mines and other live ordnance on the seafloor left over from the First and Second World Wars.
The operation also serves as an opportunity for nations to work together, building interoperability and mine countermeasures expertise in a challenging environment. The operation runs May 11 to May 25.
SNMCMG1 is currently led by Belgium Navy Commander Peter Ramboer from the group flagship HNLMS Mercuur and includes German mine hunter FGS Bad Bevensen, Belgian mine hunter BNS Narcis, Royal Netherlands Navy mine hunter HNLMS Urk and Royal Norwegian Navy minesweeper HNoMS Otra.

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