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NATO MCM Ships return to the Baltic Sea

WISMAR, Germany - Standing NATO Mine Counter Measures Group One (SNMCMG1) arrived in Wismar, Germany, October 5, returning to the Baltic Sea for another routine patrol. 

The SNMCMG1 visit will include courtesy calls with local authorities, a force reception and ships open to visitors. The public is welcome to visit the ships on 6 and 7 October between 13:00 and 16:00.  The visit provides an opportunity for residents of Wismar to get a closer look at some of the NATO ships that provide continuous presence in support of NATO collective defense.

"The SNMCMG1 is most happy to return to the Baltic Sea with ships of six different NATO countries,” said Commander Peter Ramboer of the Belgian Navy and Commander of SNMCMG1. "In the group we stand ready to keep the waterways of the Baltic safe and secure. We will certainly have the opportunity to sharpen our mine counter measures skills when working on historic minefields of the first and second world war in the weeks to come.”

The group has been on its way since January this year and conducted mine clearance operations in Oslo Fjord, the German Bight, the coast of France, the UK and the Baltic Sea.

Currently the group consists of 6 ships: BNS Godetia (command and supply ship from Belgium), HNoMS Maaloey (mine hunter from Norway), LVNS Rusins (mine hunter from Latvia), LNS Kursis (mine hunter from Lithuania), HNLMS Makkum (minehunter from The Netherlands) and FGS Homburg (mine hunter from Germany).

SNMCMG 1 is part of the enhanced high readiness NATO Reaction Force and provides a crucial element to NATO’s capabilities. When not activated as part of the NATO Reaction Force, SNMCMG1 takes part in different multinational exercises and trains with NATO members and partners to ensure readiness and enhance interoperability.

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