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NATO Maritime Command hosts Maritime Operations Centre Director Conference

NORTHWOOD, United Kingdom – Allied Maritime Command hosted a conference for Allied Nation Maritime Operation Centre (MOC) Directors March 13 at MARCOM Headquarters in Northwood, UK to increase interoperability and improve coordination among Allied MOCs.
Maritime Operations Centres take various forms in the Nations of the Alliance, but they all direct and monitor activities at sea. Maritime Situational Awareness (MSA) is key to understanding the maritime domain and to operating effectively and efficiently. This conference offered an opportunity for Allied Nation MOC directors to come together to find ways to improve workflows and share information to build a better overall common maritime picture for use by all Allies. 
In all, Allied Maritime Command works with 27 National and organizational MOCs on a regular basis, sharing information and operational activities. This combined information allows NATO Maritime Command to be flexible and responsive to developing situations as well as efficient in the use of assets to provide value to nations both in terms of supporting national requirements and for their contributions to Allied maritime security.
"I think that MARCOM is increasingly taking up her role as coordinating hub among Allied MOCs,” said Commander Giovanni Schiavoni, MARCOM MOC Chief. "This conference was a good opportunity for MARCOM and National MOC Directors to meet face-to-face and to foster an open discussion around how to enhance cooperation across MOCs and increase cohesion of effort. I strongly believe that this conference can lead to a closer coordination and improved exchange of information.”
Allied Maritime Command (MARCOM) has been transformed over the past three years and has significantly expanded its command, coordination and advisory roles and recognised as the central hub for NATO maritime operations. Alone in year 2017 MARCOM directed more than 7500 hours of maritime patrol aircraft flights, led Operation Sea Guardian involving more than 300 ships and submarines and 3200 flight hours and directed more than 300 days of submarine activity.
For all this maritime operations and activities MARCOM relies on her Maritime Operations Centre (MOC). Where MARCOM MOC directs assets fall under MARCOM and synchronize all efforts of Allied and Partner Nations’ and provides clear, robust maritime situational awareness picture.

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