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Standing NATO Maritime Group Two Ships Meet in Istanbul

ISTANBUL - On Monday, July 10, Turkish frigate TCG Yildirim joined the SNMG2 flagship HMS Duncan in Istanbul.

The ships will work together to ensure that their systems and crew are fully integrated in order to respond to any emerging crisis.

One way this is achieved is by temporarily exchanging some junior crew members. The personnel exchange is important because it allows the crews to learn from each other and forge lasting relationships. 

Both ships exchanged two junior officers and a chief petty officer for a day. Sub-Lieutenant Aaron Boyce, who spent the night aboard TCG Yildirim, said, "I was made to feel very welcome by our Turkish friends and was able to share ideas on how we communicate together. I can’t wait to go back.”

Sub-Lieutenant Wesley Jobin was able to spend a day with three personnel TCG Yildirim personnel aboard HMS Duncan. "It was great fun to show my Turkish counterparts around, but more importantly, it makes it so much easier to work together when you have had a chance to meet.”

The task group will continue to conduct personnel exchanges during their time together to enable crew members to experience life working with other navies. Both ships will continue working together during their NATO deployment as they sail into the Black Sea.

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