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SNMG2 works with NATO Science and Technology Centre

LA SPEZIA, Italy – This week SNMG2 ships participated in a series of experiments with NATO’s Centre for Maritime Research and Experimentation (CMRE) based in La Spezia, Italy.

After completing Exercise Brilliant Mariner 17, SNMG2 headed to CMRE to prepare for a series of experiments and trials.  This included embarking the state of the art underwater technology and equipment in SNMG2 flagship HMS Diamond.

The trials were designed to test the latest underwater technology and improve the ability to detect sub-surface objects. CMRE has developed an underwater "glider” or autonomous underwater vehicle that collects environmental data to support naval operations. The SNMG2 ships can then use this data to calibrate their own sonars and to better understand the environment below the waves.

This cutting edge technology is being developed and enables NATO navies to enhance their own capabilities in the Anti-submarine warfare (ASW) environment. CMRE is an example of the allied nations working together and focus on research and technology, using their combined resources to deliver a cost-efficient and effective world-class updates.

SNMG2 will continue to cooperate with CMRE to further develop their maritime capabilities and to support the development of a credible and effective ASW technology and tactics.

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