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SNMG2 Trains in Bulgarian Exercise Breeze

BLACK SEA - Standing NATO Maritime Group Two (SNMG2) is participating in Exercise Breeze 2017 in the Black Sea this week. Breeze is an annual Bulgarian Naval exercise with international participation that it is conducted in Bulgarian territorial waters and the high seas.

SNMG2 currently includes flagship British destroyer HMS Duncan, Romanian frigate ROS Regele Ferdinand, and Turkish frigate TCG Yildirim. The exercise overall includes more than 20 ships and boats and is designed around an immersive training scenario. Elements include air defence scenarios and exercises protecting shipping from attack by other ships and submarines. Additionally, Bulgarian forces and the Royal Marines boarding team, embarked aboard HMS Duncan, will practice boarding ships to maintain security at sea.
The aim of the exercise is to enhance the interoperability of participating naval units. Personnel will be tested in a wide variety of warfare tactics. The exercise also provides an opportunity for interagency cooperation between Bulgarian governmental and non-governmental organisations.
Exercise Breeze 2017 provides an opportunity for NATO forces to train with additional Allied maritime forces. In addition to the Bulgarian forces, other participants include units and staff from Greece, Italy, Poland, Romania, Turkey, United Kingdom and United States.
The exercise is based out of Varna, Bulgaria which offers an ideal training environment due to its port facilities, nearby airfield, and the Bulgarian Navy headquarters

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