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SNMG1 and SNMCMG1 teams up with Allies in biannual exercise Joint Warrior 17-1
GLASGOW, Scotland – Standing NATO Maritime Group One (SNMG1) and Standing NATO Mine Countermeasures Group One (SNMCMG1) joined nearly 30 surface ships and submarines from Allied nations for the start of the two-week bi-annual UK exercise, Joint Warrior 171 (JW 171) on Sunday morning.
JW 171 is the second time SNMG1 has taken part in a large multinational exercise this year, after the Group´s participation in TG17-1/Dynamic Guard, off the coast of Norway in February. Commodore Ole Morten Sandquist (NOR), Commander SNMG1, will be in command of one of two maritime task groups during JW 171.
"Joint Warrior is an important exercise arena for SNMG1 as it provides us with complex and challenging training in tactics and skills needed for Joint Task Force operations”, Commodore Sandquist said. "SNMG1 is permanently available to the Alliance, and consequently, we need to maximize every training opportunity to have the necessary skill set required for current and future operations.”
SNMG1 will participate in JW 171 assuming a command role building upon the solid foundation already achieved from continuous at sea operations and multinational training and exercises.
SNMG1 currently consists of the Norwegian flagship – frigate HNoMS Roald Amundsen, Belgian frigate BNS Louise-Marie, German oiler FGS Spessart, and Spanish frigate ESPS Reina Sofia. SNMCMG1 is composed of the Estonian Flagship ENS Wambola, British minehunter HMS Ramsey, Dutch minesweeper HNLMS Schiedam and Norwegian minehunter HNoMS Hinnoey.
JW exercises warfighting capabilities of participants through a range of realistic scenarios, including political and military crisis and conflict, in a joint, multi-threat environment. Skills are tested at every level, from command group level down to unit level, while strengthening interoperability across the maritime, air and land environments. Participants will train and exercise a variety of skills, including maritime task force training, antisubmarine and anti-surface warfare, maritime security operations and media engagement.