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SNMCMG1 concludes participation in Joint Warrior exercise

ATLANTIC OCEAN - Standing NATO Mine Counter Measures Group One (SNMCMG1) wrapped up their participation in U.K. joint and multinational exercise Joint Warrior 17-1 (JW 17-1) Thursday morning.
SNMCMG1, which is comprised of Estonian flagship ENS Wambola, Norwegian minehunter HNoMS Hinnoey, Dutch Mine Counter Measures (MCM) vessel HNLMS Schiedam and British minehunter HMS Ramsey, spent the past two weeks training in the coastal waters off Scotland.
The group completed various MCM operations including operational planning, mine hunting, diving, mine recovery, and remotely operated vehicle and autonomous underwater vehicle training. The group also completed a gunnery exercise, helicopter transport and replenishment, force protection drills and replenishment at sea.
SNMCMG1 worked with other participating Joint Warrior ships to complete the drills and exercises. German tender FGS Donau and minesweeper FGS Siegburg, Belgian command and support ship BNS Godetia and minehunter BNS Primula provided the task group the capability to refuel at sea as well as strengthening the MCM capabilities and adding a helicopter for situational awareness and transportation.
"JW 17-1 provided high level training for SNMCMG1, as the scenario was designed to allow exercising in core war fighting areas in a multi threat environment. All of the training aims were achieved at a high level. I am particularly happy about the good integration that we achieved while exercising together within the group with different capabilities," said SNMCMG1 Commander Johan-Elias Seljamaa, EST-N.
SNMCMG1 will head to Liverpool to meet local representatives, replenish supplies, and give the crews some time off with the opportunity to experience the history and surroundings of the British city.

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