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NATO Mine Countermeasures Group to visit Batumi
BLACK SEA – Standing NATO Mine Countermeasures Group 2 (SNMCMG2) arrived in Batumi, Georgia November 3rd for a scheduled port visit as part of the group’s deployment in the Black Sea.
Georgia is a valuable NATO partner and a significant contributor to NATO-led operations and missions. As part of the Partnership Interoperability Initiative, Georgia is one of five nations to which NATO offers enhanced opportunities for cooperation in recognition of their significant operational contributions to NATO.
This port visit is a visible demonstration of NATO’s continued commitment to Georgia. Four vessels from NATO member states, and their crews, will participate in the visit, along with the Allied Maritime Command Deputy Commander, Vice Admiral Hervé Blejean of the French Navy and Commander of SNMCMG2, Commander Justin Hains of the Royal Navy.
During the visit the Deputy Commander NATO HQ MARCOM, Vice Adm. Blejean, will meet with Georgian authorities and visit Georgia’s Joint Maritime Operations Center. The leadership and crews of SNMCMG2 ships along with representatives from NATO’s Special Operations Forces will work with members of the Georgian Coast Guard to prepare for a Passing Exercise that will include various navigation and communication drills as well as a ship boarding exercise.
SNMCMG2 currently consists of the ROS Regele Ferdinand, Turkish mine hunter TCG Edremit, Romanian mine hunter ROS Lt. Lupu Dinescu and Bulgarian minesweeper BGS Shkval.