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Standing NATO Maritime Group TWO concluded extensive operations with the Turkish Navy

AKSAZ, Turkey – Last week Standing NATO Maritime Group 2 (SNMG2) trained with the Turkish Navy in the Eastern Mediterranean.

Following the four days port visit to Aksaz Naval Base in Turkey the ships set sail to conduct a variety of assignments supported by submarines, Maritime Patrol Aircrafts (MPA) and fighters from the Turkish Air Force. 

SNMG2, composed of the flagship FGS BONN (Germany), TCG BARBAROS (Turkey) and HMCS FREDERICTON (Canada) met with a Turkish Task Group, that consisted of one frigate (TCG GOKCEADA), two fast patrol boats (TCG MIZRAK, TCG ZIPKIN), a submarine (TCG ATILAY) and a corvette (TCG  BODRUM). This operation was supported by a couple of air sorties performed by Turkish Air Force F-16 fighters.

 SNMG2 and the Turkish ships conducted numerous combat enhancement trainings and force integration exercises. These challenging serials included Maritime Interdiction Operations, Search-and-Rescue Operations, Air Defence exercises and coordinated Anti Submarine Warfare Operations, where a submarine operated against the surface units and a MPA. The ships also conducted a live gunnery exercise (GUNEX), where they fired on a surface target.

"The crews of my multinational force used these versatile exercises to enhance their own capabilities and especially to increase the mutual understanding of maritime operations”, said Rear Admiral Jörg Klein, Commander SNMG2. "The units consolidated to a team and their motivation and enthusiasm as well as their professional skills make me feel confident that force integration will deepen further”.

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