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Standing NATO Maritime Group ONE Visit to Oslo

Standing NATO Maritime Group ONE Visit to Oslo

OSLO, Norway – Today, Standing NATO Maritime Group ONE (SNMG1), under the command of Spanish Rear Admiral Jose Delgado, ESP Navy, is leaving Oslo after their arrival on Friday for a scheduled port visit during the group’s deployment to the North and Baltic Seas to enhance maritime security and to contribute to international stability.   

SNMG1’s visit to Oslo followed the group’s participation in Norwegian-led joint multinational exercise COLD RESPONSE 16,​​​​​​​​ held in the Tr​øndelag counties in central Norway. The exercise took place from Feb. 29 to March 9, and approximately 15​,000 military from 14 ​nations ​participated​​.​​

Rear Admiral Delgado commanded one of the maritime task groups in the exercise, comprised of the SNMG1 units and Allied nations vessels HDMS NIELS JUEL (F354), FS LIEUTENANT DE VAISSEAU LAVALLÉE (F790) and FS PRIMAUGUET (D644).

SNMG1 flagship, the Spanish F100 class frigate ESPS ALVARO de BAZAN (F101), the UK Type 23 Frigate HMS IRON DUKE (F234) and the Spanish Combat Replenishment Ship ESPS CANTABRIA (A15) have been in port at Vippetangen and Revier quay in Oslo, Norway opened for visits.

"This outstanding exercise provided a unique opportunity to enhance SNMG1 units’ interoperability, sustainability and cooperation within the framework of a multinational joint force structure,” said Rear Admiral Delgado. "Our participation in COLD RESPONSE 16 has proved SNMG1’s high intensity war-fighting skills and ability to operate under challenging conditions. Today, SNMG1 is better prepared to meet and deter any threat to Alliance populations and territory.”.

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