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NATO Maritime Command Visit to Egypt

ALEXANDRIA, Egypt - NATO Maritime Command Deputy Commander, VADM Bruno Paulmier, French Navy, visited Alexandria, Egypt August 13-15 during a visit of Standing NATO Maritime Group Two Task Unit 02 (SNMG2 TU.02) to the port.

VADM Paulmier met with the Commander in Chief of Egyptian Naval Forces, Rear Admiral Ossama Munir Rabia, to discuss opportunities for the Egyptian Navy and NATO Maritime units to work together and learn from each other.

The NATO Maritime Command delegation also visited ENS Tahya Misr, an Egyptian anti-submarine frigate built on the same frame as the French Frigate FS Aquitaine. They also visited ENS Alexandria and the naval ship yard in Alexandria.

Overall, the visit went very well and VADM Paulmier expressed his thanks to the Government of Egypt for hosting the delegation and his hope that NATO and the Egyptian Navy will work together in the future.

"I’d like to thank the Egyptian Navy for an excellent visit to Alexandria for my delegation and Standing NATO Maritime Group Two,” said VADM Paulmier, "NATO and Egypt have many similar interests in maintaining security and stability in the eastern Mediterranean, I hope this visit will be one of many developing our relationship with the Egyptian Navy.”

NATO’s Mediterranean Dialogue was initiated in 1994 by the North Atlantic Council. It currently involves seven non-NATO countries of the Mediterranean region: Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Mauritania, Morocco and Tunisia.

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