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NATO leads routine monitoring of maritime activities

North Sea – Yesterday warships under NATO command were deployed in conjunction with national maritime assets in monitoring the presence of Russian warships off the Norwegian coast as they transit to the Mediterranean.

Routinely monitoring areas and activities of interest to the maritime security of Alliance Nations is an important part of NATO’s responsibilities. This maritime surveillance role is performed in coordination with national NATO maritime forces improving and sharing overall maritime situational awareness and enhancing interoperability.

Allied Maritime Command (MARCOM) in Northwood, through its Maritime Operations Center, acts as the surveillance coordinator and manages these activities thereby maximizing allied and national capacities and capabilities providing the Alliance with a timely, detailed and accurate maritime picture.

MARCOM also coordinates providing an authoritative and credible NATO presence through agile response to situations arising that impact upon maritime awareness and security. Standing NATO Maritime Group 1 units supported by other allied and national units are working together with these aims at this time.

"NATO and allied nations routinely monitor activities of interest including the presence of Russian units in transit close to our national waters. This is in the interest of supporting our overall maritime awareness and safety of navigation in sea lanes of communication. This is no different from previous situations of this type and does not represent a challenge since good practices at sea are followed.” said Vice Admiral Clive Johnstone, Commander Allied Maritime Command. "Maritime surveillance supports greater maritime awareness, safety at sea and reduces the risk of any mistakes or miscalculation.”

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