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MARCOM hosts Maritime Operational Commanders Conference

MARCOM hosts Maritime Operational Commanders’ Conference

NORTHWOOD, United Kingdom – Yesterday Allied Maritime Command (MARCOM) hosted the Maritime Operational Commanders’ Conference (MOCC) at its headquarters in Northwood, welcoming more than 30 Fleet Commanders, Operational Directors and other senior leaders from Allied nations and operational commands. 

The conference aim was to foster an open discussion around how to enhance cooperation across the maritime domain and increase cohesion of effort. A key element of the conference was to discuss the recent MARCOM development of the Alliance Maritime Governance (AMG), which establishes the operational framework for successful implementation of the Alliance's Maritime Strategy and addresses themes including Maritime Situational Awareness, Contingency, Readiness and Responsiveness.

After an introduction by the Commander of MARCOM, Vice Admiral Clive Johnstone, his staff led presentations of case studies of recent operations and facilitated discussion on process improvement, information sharing and enhanced collaboration and exercising to strengthen NATO’s maritime response. 

The ensuing conversations were open and thought provoking, with Vice Admiral Johnstone hopeful that the discussions begun here will continue to gain momentum once participants return to their home nations and commands, and that they will result in tangible benefits across NATO. 

"I see MARCOM’s role as the maritime operations hub for NATO, and as an enacting body for the decisions made by the 28 nations,” said Vice Admiral Clive Johnstone. "I am delighted with, and grateful for, the commitment to this conference from across the Alliance and strongly believe that the conversations we have had today can lead to a greater shared maritime awareness and a more sharply honed operational edge.”

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