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Standing NATO Maritime Group TWO visits Tunis

TUNIS, Tunisia - This morning the Standing NATO Maritime Group TWO (SNMG2) arrived in Tunis.  The force composed of four ships from three nations is currently deployed to the Mediterranean Sea to enhance maritime security and to show NATO’s presence in this area.

Since SNMG2 has reassembled in the beginning of July 2015, the Group has operated in the Mediterranean Sea. Currently the force is composed of the flagship, German frigate HAMBURG, the Spanish combat support ship CANTABRIA, the Spanish frigate SANTA MARIA and the Turkish frigate YILDIRIM. During the past month the assigned units contributed to NATO’s counter-terrorism Operation ACTIVE ENDEAVOUR .

Through SNMG2 efforts and achievements, the sea is a safer place for everyone. Among other tasks, the Group conducts maritime security operations to monitor shipping lanes and check suspicious shipping as well. This is done for the benefit of all those, who are dependent on safe seas – merchant ships, ferries, cruise liners and fishermen.

"The Mediterranean Sea is of great strategic importance to NATO”, said Rear Admiral Klein. "Although NATO Forces are seen to focus their efforts on the consequences of the Ukrainian crisis, maintaining a constant dialogue with Tunisia and our Mediterranean partners remains as vital as ever to preserve our awareness of the region and our capacity to work with our partners."

Today’s port visit to Tunis is part of a series of routine and diplomatic visits to Allied and Partner nations to demonstrate NATO’s presence in the region to foster the relations to the host nations. During the port visit, the Commander SNMG2, Rear Admiral KLEIN, as well as the Commanding Officers of the ships will meet with several Tunisian military and civilian officials, including the Chief of the Tunisian Coast Guard and representatives of the city of La Goulette.

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