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Standing NATO Maritime Group 1 Participates in JOINT WARRIOR 15-2

SCOTLAND – Standing NATO Maritime Group 1 (SNMG1), led by Portuguese Navy Rear Admiral Alberto Correia, departed day before yesterday from three different ports in Scotland for the sea phase of the UK-led Exercise JOINT WARRIOR 15-2.

JOINT WARRIOR is a multinational exercise that tests land, air and maritime forces’ ability to respond and conduct operations in an unstable region of the world, involving 30 warships and submarines, 60 aircraft and more than 6,000 troops from 12 countries.

While the scenario of JOINT WARRIOR is fictitious, the importance of realistic and effective training demands that the scenario closely mirror present and possible future areas of naval operations. This exercise simulates conflict escalation between notional countries, triggering the UN Security Council to develop a resolution upon which NATO forces are to enforce peace.

"JOINT WARRIOR provides high quality training opportunities and improves joint operations within the Allies, maximising our combined readiness to counter a range of current and potential future threats,” said Rear Admiral Alberto Correia.

SNMG1 is currently comprised of the Flagship NRP D. Francisco de Almeida, HMCS Winnipeg, ESPS Blas de Lezo, FNS La Motte Picquet and HNOMS Fridtjof Nansen.  The Group will face a complex and challenging exercise, providing an excellent opportunity to increase interoperability between Allied forces and providing valuable experience integrating land, air, and maritime forces.

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