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Spanish Navy tests standby units for NATO’s counter-terrorism operation

MEDITERRANEAN SEA –   Last weekend, the Spanish Navy patrol vessel ESPS INFANTA CRISTINA and the volunteer Portuguese merchant vessel MV BEATRIZ B participated in an exercise designed to test the response of the standby vessels dedicated to supporting NATO’s counter-terrorism Operation ACTIVE ENDEAVOUR.

During the exercise, the Spanish Navy patrol vessel ESPS INFANTA CRISTINA, based in Cartagena, Spain, was called upon to respond to a suspicious merchant vessel. Maritime interdiction operation procedures were put into practice, and ESPS INFANTA CRISTINA’s crew monitored, localized and interacted with the vessel.

"The collaboration of a voluntary merchant vessel transiting the Mediterranean was integral to the success of the training,” said ESPS INFANTA CRISTINA’s Commanding Officer, Lieutenant Commander Sebastián Martín García.  "I was very pleased with the spirit of cooperation displayed by the MV BEATRIZ B master and her crew throughout the exercise.”

Operation Active Endeavour is part of NATO’s multi-faceted response to current terrorist threats. Its mission is to conduct maritime operations in the Mediterranean Sea and Straits of Gibraltar to actively demonstrate NATO's resolve to help deter, defend, disrupt and protect against terrorism.

As an incontrovertible proof of commitment in fighting against terrorism, Spain has been present in Operation ACTIVE ENDEAVOUR from its origin.

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