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Heads of Navies meet for SEA SENSE 2015 Global Maritime Security Conference

LONDON – Today more than 160 NATO and partner nation military and civilian leaders are gathering in London for the two day NATO Maritime Commanders’ Meeting (MARCOMET) to discuss current and future maritime security challenges.  The theme for SEA SENSE 2015 is NATO's Future Maritime Posture - Readiness and Responsiveness for a New Era.

28 NATO and partner Heads of Navy will be joined by numerous international delegations, distinguished speakers and guests, including Chairman of the NATO Military Committee General Petr Pavel, Supreme Allied Commander Transformation General Jean-Paul Paloméros, Deputy Supreme Allied Commander Europe General Sir Adrian Bradshaw, and former Supreme Allied Commander Europe Admiral James Stavridis (retired).

The conference also features stakeholders from the wider defence and international community: academics, members of International Organisations, and think-tanks who share a concern for the current and future global maritime environment.

Vice Admiral Peter Hudson, Commander of NATO’s Allied Maritime Command, is hosting the event for the second time, following SEA SENSE 2013 in November 2013.

"At our last MARCOMET, I emphasised the need to shift from deployment to contingency,” said Vice Admiral Hudson. "It is now upon us.  The Readiness Action Plan mandates a more ready and responsive Alliance, including the maritime domain.  This year’s meeting will focus on the challenges we face and on how we can best bring that higher standard of readiness and responsiveness into being.”

Over the next two days, the participants will discuss a number of key areas, including the establishment of the maritime element of the planned Very High Readiness Joint Task Force and reformed NATO Response Force, assurance of Baltic and Black Sea Allies in the context of the Ukraine crisis, the multiple challenges of the Mediterranean and the evolving nature of naval warfare in the 21st century.  

"MARCOMET is first and foremost a forum for friendly but honest dialogue among Allied and Partner naval leaders,” said Vice Admiral Hudson. "We have endeavoured to make this a challenging meeting, one that addresses head-on the key issues of the day and will take a broad view across the decades - past and to come - to situate where our navies are today and ponder how we prepare for an always uncertain future.”

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