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Danish and Republic of Korea naval vessels engage in cooperative sea training during NATO’s counter-piracy Operation OCEAN SHIELD

GULF OF OMAN –   This week the Danish Navy ship HDMS ABSALON and the Republic of Korea Navy ship ROKS CHUNGMUGONG joined forces for mutual training in the Gulf of Oman.

The sea training began with replenishment-at-sea (RAS) navigation manoeuvres. HDMS ABSALON made the first of these precise manoeuvres with ROKS CHUNGMUGONG standing in for a large tanker. Exercising this well-known, but highly critical, naval procedure in a professional manner is vital for ensuring long-lasting presence in an operation area without the need to replenish fuel in port. HDMS ABSALON made her successful approach before the roles were reversed with the Danish ship playing the role of the tanker and ROKS CHUNGMUGONG making its own approach with meticulous accuracy. During both RAS approaches, the two navy ships were within 45 metres of each other.

The accurate manoeuvres by the ships were immediately followed by equally accurate helicopter cross deck manoeuvres, where the two navy ships alternated between transferring and receiving personnel via helicopter. In this case, both crews had the distinct advantage of familiarity as both the Danish ship and the Republic of Korea ship operate Lynx helicopters.

The training session concluded with a visit by the Commanding Officer of CHUNGMUGONG, Captain Jae-Man Yoo, to the Commanding Officer of ABSALON, Commander S.G. Per Moll Petersen, onboard the Danish vessel. Along with a few selected members of his crew, the Captain received a comprehensive tour of ABSALON, followed by a discussion with Commander Petersen of strategy and the operational capabilities of their respective ships.

"The cooperation and discussion shown today further enhances the overall arc of NATO interoperability and willingness to cooperate and share knowledge and experiences with independent deployers operating the region”-- Commander Per Moll Petersen, Commanding Officer, HDMS ABSALON

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