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Ambassador Terracciano Visits MARCOM

NORTHWOOD, UK – Today, the Italian Ambassador to the United Kingdom, His Excellency Pasquale Terracciano, visited NATO’s Allied Maritime Command (MARCOM), welcomed by MARCOM’s Deputy Commander, Vice Admiral Bruno Paulmier (FRA N) and Chief of Staff, Rear Admiral Giorgio Lazio (ITA N).

Ambassador Terracciano was accompanied by Rear Admiral Gianluigi Reversi, the Italian Defence and Naval Attaché in London. This visit provided the distinguished guests with an overview of MARCOM’s role in the NATO command structure and the challenges the Alliance is facing ahead, to include instability on its eastern and southern borders.  They also received an update on MARCOM current operations and visited with the Italian members of the MARCOM staff.

"We are honoured by Ambassador Terracciano’s visit to MARCOM headquarters today,” said Rear Admiral Lazio.  "Italy’s steadfast support to Allied Maritime Command is reflected in both the direct contributions of outstanding Naval personnel to the headquarters staff and in its force contributions at sea to NATO operations and exercises.  In this challenging time of competing priorities for afloat resources, we value the occasion to stress the importance of continued contributions to NATO’s Standing Naval Forces and interaction with national strike groups and task forces at every opportunity.”

Yesterday NATO kicked off Exercise TRIDENT JUNCTURE 2015, its largest exercise for more than a decade, with an opening ceremony at the Trapani air force base in Sicily, Italy. 

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