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SNMG2 Supports Operation Active Endeavour

ALBORAN SEA – Standing NATO Maritime Group 2 (SNMG2) resumed exercises in support of NATO’s counter-terrorism Operation ACTIVE ENDEAVOUR (OAE) this week.  SNMG2 currently consists of USS LEYTE GULF (CG 55), TCG KEMALREIS (F 247), FGS NIEDERSACHSEN (F 208), HMCS TORONTO (FFH 333) and ESPS ALMIRANTE JUAN DE BORBON (F-102).

"Participation in OAE is important not only to provide security of the seas, but also to provide assurance to our allies,” said Rear Admiral Brad Williamson, Commander, SNMG2.  "The training we received during our North American deployment has greatly enhanced the force’s capabilities and interoperability, and we look forward to operating in the region again.”

OAE is part of NATO’s multi-faceted response to current terrorist threats. Ships conduct maritime operations in the Mediterranean Sea and the Strait of Gibraltar to help deter, defend, disrupt and protect against terrorist activity in the region.

Fifteen NATO nations and two partner nations have contributed assets to Operation Active Endeavor in the past.

SNMG2 is currently operating in the Mediterranean in support of NATO’s maritime security operations to promote international cooperation, solidarity and cohesion on the water.  The Group recently united its two Task Units upon completion of operations thousands of miles apart. SNMG2 TU.01 recently returned to the region after a two-month deployment to the Western Atlantic, during which the group participated in multiple exercises with Allied nations.  SNMG2 TU.02 recently completed its deployment in the Black Sea.

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