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SNMCMG2 participate in ARIADNE 2014

GULF OF PATRAS, Greece – Standing NATO Mine Countermeasures Group TWO (SNMCMG2) is currently participating in Hellenic Navy-led mine warfare Exercise ARIADNE 2014.

The exercise, which runs through November 17th, aims to improve interoperability among the participating units and staff during mine counter-measures operations. The exercise scenario simulates an Allied nation’s request for NATO intervention to restore freedom of navigation and to preserve safety and security at sea after mine laying activity.

SNMCMG2, under command of Captain Giovanni Piegaja aboard the Group’s flagship ITS AVIERE, commands five minehunters, including for the first time a Bulgarian Navy minesweeper, BGS PRIBOY.  The Bulgarian Navy ship will remain with the Group through additional operations and exercises before returning to homeport later this year.

"I am proud of SNMCMG2’s accomplishments as a team these past several months, rising to meet every challenge,” said Captain Piegaja.  "They have distinguished themselves from the Black Sea to the coast of Morocco in support of counter-terrorism operations, partnership engagements, mine warfare exercises such as ARIADNE 2014, and the recently completed NATO Response Force (NRF) certification Exercise NOBLE JUSTIFICATION.”

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